Pierre Moreau’s practice is focused on full-service support to the insurance sector, both in Belgium and in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
His greatest satisfaction comes from the feeling of having an impact as a partner in the development and protection of his clients’ business.
Pierre assists his clients in matters of :
Lawyer since 1999, Pierre became a partner at Philippe & Partners in 2010.
He is a member of the Brussels, Mons and Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg – list IV) Bar.
Pierre holds a law degree from the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) since 1998. In 2001, he obtained a diploma of specialized studies in insurance law and economics (UCL). He holds a certificate in personal income tax (Grondige cursus Personenbelasting, Fiscale Hogeschool (EHSAL), getuigschrift) obtained in 2008.
He is the author of various publications and is a regular speaker at conferences and company training courses.
Pierre works in French, Dutch and English.
Member of the editorial committee of Revue Générale des Assurances et des Responsabilités (R.G.A.R.)
, L’information précontractuelle du client depuis l’application des règles MiFID au secteur de l’assurance, Bull. Ass., Dossier 2014, 2015, pp. 39-62
, Les règles MiFID applicables au secteur de l’assurance : portrait d’une audacieuse réforme, R.G.A.R., 6/2014, p. 15.092 et s.
, Définition du risque vs. exclusion en assurance décès accidentel, Recueil de jurisprudence, Volume II : Responsabilité – Assurances – Accidents du travail, Anthémis 2014, p. 119
, Twin peaks II – Quelques échos de la loi du 30 juillet 2013, Bull. Ass., 2013/4, p. 426
, Le banquier intermédiaire de produits d’assurances (relations juridiques et responsabilités), in Le banquier luxembourgeois et l’assurance vie, ALJB, Anthémis, 2012
, Le banquier intermédiaire de produits d’assurances (relations juridiques et responsabilités), in Le banquier luxembourgeois et l’assurance vie, ALJB, Anthémis, 2012
, « La déclaration du risque n’est pas un jeu de devinette », note sous Liège, 13ème chambre, 29 mars 2011, Bull. Ass., 2011, p. 442 et s.
, « Branche 23, une nécessaire responsabilisation du preneur », note sous Bruxelles, 31 mars 2011, Bull. Ass., 2011, p. 318 et s.
, « La Cour de justice de l'Union européenne met l'assurance à l'épreuve de l'égalité des sexes », R.G.A.R., 2011, liv. 4, n° 14730
, Newsflash Insurance & Liabilities – January – March 2011, PHILIPPE & PARTNERS. Download here the article
, Newsflash Insurance & Liabilities – October – December 2010, PHILIPPE & PARTNERS, 26 october 2010 Download here the article
, Newsflash Insurance & Liabilities – July – September 2010, PHILIPPE & PARTNERS. Download here the article
, « La formation du contrat d'assurance: questions choisies », For. ass., 2010, liv. 100, 244-248.
, Newsflash Insurance & Liabilities – April – June 2010, PHILIPPE & PARTNERS. Download here the article
, Newsflash Insurance & Liabilities – October 2009 – December 2009, PHILIPPE & PARTNERS. Download here the article
, Newsflash Insurance & Liabilities – Juillet 2009 – Septembre 2009, PHILIPPE & PARTNERS Download here the article
, « Assurance-vie et libéralités : sentiment mitigé suite à l’arrêt de la Cour constitutionnelle du 26 juin 2008 », R.G.A.R., 2008, n° 14450
, « L’arriéré judiciaire à la croisée des chemins. Réflexions à la suite de l’arrêt de la Cour de cassation du 28 septembre 2007 », R.G.A.R., 2007, n° 14241
, « L’immunité en accidents du travail à la suite de l’arrêt de la Cour d’arbitrage du 11 mai 2005 », R.G.A.R., 2005, n° 14053
, « La causalité en accidents du travail », Dossier 2002 (8) du Bulletin des assurances, Accidents du travail – Une centenaire pleine d’avenir, pp. 25 à 75
, Note d’observations sous C. Trav. Liège, 15 novembre 2000, Bull. Ass., 2001-4, pp 687 et ss.
, Note d’observations sous C. Trav. Bruxelles, 12 mars 2001, Bull. Ass., 2001-2, pp 324-329
, “Voyage au cœur du régime de l’assurance du solde restant dû”, AEDES, Formations de printemps, 3 mai 2016, Namur
, “L’article 19bis-11, § 2, de la loi du 21 novembre 1989. État des lieux”, AEDES, Formations d’automne, 3 et 8 décembre 2015, Namur
, Belgique – AssurMIFID: Point sur la mise en oeuvre des réformes (information, publicité et conservation des données), Conférence IFE, 26 novembre 2015, Luxembourg Sujets traités: AssurMIFID – Rappels Les règles applicables et les règles reportées sine die en matière de publicités et de fiches info Circulaire FSMA AssurMIFID du 01/09/2015 Conservation des données
, Assurance vie en LPS: Point sur la réglementation belge, Séminaire IFE, 25 novembre 2014, Luxembourg Sujets traités: Mifidisation de l’assurance en Belgique (survol) Projet de règlement FSMA « conservation des données » Loi du 4 avril 2014 relative aux assurances Arrêté Royal « Publicité » Règlement FSMA « label de risques » Règlement FSMA « interdiction de certains produits »
, “La vente à distance de contrats d’assurance. Le point face aux nouvelles réglementations”, AEDES, Formations d’automne, 20 novembre et 2 décembre 2014, Namur
, Twin Peaks II. Premiers retours d'expérience de l'application des règles MiFID à l'assurance, Conférence IFE du 23 octobre 2014, Compliance en assurance, Bruxelles
, Premiers retours d'expérience suite à l'entrée en vigueur de MiFID pour le secteur de l'assurance, conférence IFE, Compliance en assurance, 23 octobre 2014
, Contrats d’assurance-vie non-réclamés / dormants (Luxembourg, Belgique, France, Allemagne), Conférence Kluwer & Philippe & Partners du 8 mai 2014, Luxembourg
, La délégation et la mise en gage, Conférence IFE assurance vie, 20 novembre 2013 – Luxembourg
, Obligation d’information et de conseil : IMD2, PRIP’S et Twin Peaks II, Conférence IFE – 25 juin 2013 – Luxembourg
, Les spécificités de l’assurance vie luxembourgeoise, Séminaire EFE – 13 décembre 2012 – Paris
, Distribution de l'assurance vie en LPS: Les points d'attention en matière contractuelle (Luxembourg, Belgique, France), Séminaire IFE – 27 novembre 2012 – Luxembourg Sujets traités: Qualification et conclusion du contrat d'assurance vie (aléa, déclaration du risque/aggravation du risque, âge de l'assuré, intérêt d'assurance); Information précontractuelle du souscripteur (quelles informations, renonciation au contrat ou rétractation, informations sur les fonds / unités de compte); Droit applicable au contrat et à la compagnie d'assurance; Vie du contrat (prélèvement des frais, rachat, clause bénéficiaire, nantissement du contrat et cession de droits);
, Assurances et responsabilités de l’entreprise: Vie du contrat d’assurance et Gestion du sinistre, Séminaire IJE – Philippe & Partners – 25 septembre 2012 – Bruxelles
, La place financière Luxembourgeoise : les opportunités, Optimistan Business Club Bruxelles, Avenue Alfred Solvay, 1 B-1170 Bruxelles, le 19 avril 2012
, « Responsabilités contractuelle & extracontractuelle – l’assurance », Séminaire Philippe & Partners / IJE – 2 février 2012 – Hotel Bloom – Bruxelles
, Les relations entre intermédiaires et assureurs, Séminaire IFE – 24 novembre 2011 – Bruxelles
, La convention entre l’assureur et l’intermédiaire, Séminaire IFE – 25 janvier 2011 – Intermédiation en assurance – Luxembourg
, « Responsabilité des intermédiaires », Séminaire IFE – 24 novembre 2010 – Le rendez-vous annuel de l’assurance vie – Luxembourg
, « Assurance-vie – Morceaux choisis » – Conférence Philippe & Partners Luxembourg du 8 octobre 2009 – L’acceptation médicale en assurance-vie individuelle et groupe. Régimes belges et luxembourgeois
, « Gestion des données à caractère personnel en assurances » – Séminaire IFE Bruxelles du 22 septembre 2009 – L’acceptation du risque
, « Assurance-vie, aspects civils et fiscaux » – Conférence UCL du 5 mai 2009 – Aperçu des différents produits d’assurance-vie
, Formation interne à compagnie d’assurances belge – février 2009 – L’acceptation médicale en assurance de personnes, individuelle et groupe
, « Assurance-vie » – Séminaire IFE – 25 novembre 2008 – Régime fiscal de l’assurance vie en Belgique – Luxembourg
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Cookie | Type | Duration | Description |
cookielawinfo-checkbox-[category] | persistent | 1 year | This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Non Necessary". |
CookieLawInfoConsent | persistent | 1 year | The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to remember the user’s choice about cookies on the website to avoid opening the popup after acceptance. |
PHPSESSID | session | This cookie sets the unique session of the user on the site. | |
pll_language | persistent | 1 year | This cookie sets the language of the user. |
viewed_cookie_policy | persistent | 1 year | The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data. |
Cookie | Type | Duration | Description |
tk_ai | persistent | 1 year | This cookie is set by WooCommerce. It stores a randomly-generated anonymous ID. This is only used within the dashboard (/wp-admin ) area and is used for usage tracking, if enabled. More info: |
woocommerce_cart_[hash] | session | This cookie is set by WooCommerce and is used to help WooCommerce determine when cart contents/data changes. More info: | |
woocommerce_items_in_cart | session | This cookie is set by WooCommerce and is used to help WooCommerce determine when cart contents/data changes. More info: | |
wp_woocommerce_session_ | persistent | 2 days | This cookie is set by WooCommerce. It contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each Customer. More info: |
Cookie | Type | Duration | Description |
wordpress_[hash] | session | This cookie is set by Wordpress and is used to store the authentication details on login. The authentication details include the username and double hashed copy of the password. However, this usage of the cookie is limited to the admin console area, the backend dashboard of the website. Here [hash] represents the value that is obtained by applying a specific mathematical formula applied to the username and password. It is to ensure that the input values are safe, and no one can access these data using the cookies as it is difficult to ‘unhash’ the hashed data. More info: | |
wordpress_test_cookie | session | This cookie is set by Wordpress and is used to store the authentication details on login. The authentication details include the username and double hashed copy of the password. However, this usage of the cookie is limited to the admin console area, the backend dashboard of the website. Here [hash] represents the value that is obtained by applying a specific mathematical formula applied to the username and password. It is to ensure that the input values are safe, and no one can access these data using the cookies as it is difficult to ‘unhash’ the hashed data. More info: | |
workpress_logged_in_[hash] | session | This cookie is set by Wordpress and is used to to indicate when you are logged in, and who you are. This cookie is maintained on the front-end of the website as well when logged in. More info: | |
wp-settings-{time}-[UID] | persistent | 1 year | This cookie is set by Wordpress and is used to customize the view of your admin interface and the front-end of the website. The value represented by [UID] is the individual user ID of the user as given to them in the users' database table. More info: |
Cookie | Type | Duration | Description |
__utma | persistent | 2 years | Used to distinguish users and sessions. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utma cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. More info: |
__utmb | session | 30 minutes | Used to determine new sessions/visits. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and no existing __utmb cookies exists. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. More info: |
__utmc | session | This cookie operates in conjunction with the __utmb cookie to determine if there is a new visit from the current visitor.. More info: | |
__utmt | session | 10 minutes | Used to throttle request rate. More info: |
__utmv | persistent | 2 years | Used to store visitor-level custom variable data. This cookie is created when a developer uses the _setCustomVar method with a visitor level custom variable. This cookie was also used for the deprecated _setVar method. The cookie is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. More info: |
__utmz | persistent | 6 months | Stores the traffic source or campaign that explains how the user reached your site. The cookie is created when the javascript library executes and is updated every time data is sent to Google Analytics. More info: |
_fbp | persistent | 3 months | Used by Facebook to provide a variety of advertising products such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers. |
1P_JAR | persistent | 1 month | This cookie provides information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting that website. It is added by Google with the tracking of Linkedin. |
AnalyticsSyncHistory | persistent | 30 days | Used to store data about when a synchronisation was performed with the lms_analytics cookie. |
ANID | persistent | 9 months | This is a Google advertising cookie (which may be injected when using a service such as Facebook Pixel, MailChimp or Linkedin). |
bcookie | persistent | 1 year | This cookie is set by Linkedin for the tracking of on-board services. |
bscookie | persistent | 2 years | This cookie is set by Linkedin for the tracking of on-board services. |
c_user | persistent | 3 months | This cookie is used by Facebook for social sharing of information and integration of Facebook services. |
cli_user_preference | persistent | 1 year | Stores the consent status of the user's cookies. |
CONSENT | persistent | ± 18 years | This cookie stores information related to user consent and stores the user's language. |
datr | persistent | 2 years | Cookie for statistical analysis of Facebook advertising. For more information, please see Facebook's Cookie Usage Policy. |
DSID | persistent | 2 weeks | Is used to identify a user who is signed in to his or her Google Account on non-Google sites and to store his or her ad personalization preferences. |
fr | persistent | 3 months | The “fr” cookie is used to deliver, measure and improve the relevance of advertisements, and its lifespan is 90 days. |
IDE | persistent | 13 months | Used by Google to present Google Ads ads to users on non-Google sites. |
JSESSIONID | session | This cookie is set by Linkedin to define a new session. | |
lang | session | This cookie stores the language of the browser. This cookie is added by Linkedin. | |
li_at | persistent | 1 year | This cookie is set by Linkedin for the tracking of on-board services. This cookie is used to protect against XSS attacks. |
li_oatml | persistent | 1 month | Indirect ID of the member for conversation tracking, retargeting and user. This cookie is added by Linkedin. |
lidc | session | 1 day | Linkedin cookie used for routing. |
lissc | persistent | 1 year | This cookie is set by Linkedin for the tracking of on-board services. |
lms_ads | persistent | 30 days | Used to identify LinkedIn members outside LinkedIn in designated countries for advertising purposes. |
lms_analytics | persistent | 30 days | Used to identify LinkedIn members in designated countries for analysis purposes |
NID | persistent | 6 months | This Google cookie is used to personalize advertisements. It stores a unique identifier that allows Google to save preferences and other information such as language. |
sb | persistent | 2 years | This cookie is used by Facebook for social sharing of information and integration of Facebook services. |
UserMatchHistory | persistent | 30 days | This Linkedin cookie is used to track visitors so that the most relevant advertisements can be shown based on the visitor's preferences. |
xs | persistent | 90 days | This cookie from Facebook stores a certain amount of session data when a person is connected to Facebook via their browser or device. |