On 22 March 2013, Ministry of Commerce of China received a petition submitted by Inner Mongolia North Heavy Industries Group Co., Ltd on behalf of Chinese domestic industry of Certain Alloy-Steel Seamless Tubes and Pipes for High Temperature and Pressure Service to apply for anti-dumping investigation on the concerned imports from EU, Japan and the US. In accordance with the Regulations of PRC on Anti-dumping, Ministry of Commerce of China carried out relevant examinations, including dumping, injury and the casual link between the two, and other aspects of the petition. On the basis of the examination results and in accordance with Article 16 of the Regulations of PRC on Anti-dumping, Ministry of Commerce of China decided to initiate an anti-dumping investigation against Alloy-Steel Seamless Tubes and Pipes for High Temperature and Pressure Service originating in EU, Japan and the US on 10 May 2013. In accordance with MOFCOM Announcement No. 24 of 2013, the period of dumping investigation is from 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012 and the period of industry injury investigation is from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2012. Any interested parties should apply to the Bureau of Fair Trade for Imports and Exports of MOFCOM for participation in the response to the dumping investigation within 20 days from the publication of the said MOFCOM Announcement. Any interested parties should apply to the Bureau of Industry Injury Investigation of MOFCOM for participation in the response to the injury investigation within 20 days from the publication of the said MOFCOM Announcement. This anti-dumping investigation usually will end before 10 May 2014. The investigation period may be prolonged to 10 November 2014 under exceptional circumstances. 中华人民共和国商务部: 对原产于欧盟、日本和美国进口的相关高温承压用合金钢无缝钢管发起反倾销调查 商务部于2013年3月22日收到内蒙古北方重工业集团有限公司代表国内相关高温承压用合金钢无缝钢管产业提交的反倾销调查申请,申请人请求对原产于欧盟、日本和美国的进口相关高温承压用合金钢无缝钢管进行反倾销调查。商务部依据《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》有关规定,审查了反倾销申请的相关情况,包括倾销、损害及倾销与损害之间的因果关系等等。根据相关的审查结果及《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》第十六条的规定,商务部决定自2013年5月10日起对原产于欧盟、日本和美国的进口相关高温承压用合金钢无缝钢管进行反倾销立案调查。根据商务部公告2013年第4号的规定,本次调查确定的倾销调查期为2012年1月1日至2012年12月31日,产业损害调查期为2009年1月1日至2012年12月31日。就倾销调查,任何利害关系方可于该公告发布之日起20天内,向商务部进出口公平贸易局申请参加应诉。就产业损害调查,利害关系方可自该公告发布之日起20天内向商务部产业损害调查局登记应诉。本次反倾销调查自2013年5月10日起开始, 通常应在2014年5月10日前结束, 特殊情况下可延长至2014年11月10日。 »