
The Council of the European Union: Council Implementing Regulation (EU) No 158/2013 of 18 February 2013 Re-imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain prepared or preserved citrus fruits (namely mandarins, etc.) originating in the People’s Republic of China

On 22 February 2013, the Council of the EU issued the Council Implementing Regulation No 158/2013 to re-impose a definitive anti-dumping duty on prepared/prepared citrus fruits from China (Case AD524a and AD524b). The initial investigation started on 20 October 2007 and definitive measures were taken on 30 December 2008. By judgement of 17 February 2011 in case T-122/09 Zhejiang Xinshiji Foods Co. Ltd and Hubei Xinshiji Foods Co. Ltd v Council of the European Union supported by the European Commission, the General Court of the EU annulled the original Regulation of the definitive measure in so far as it concerns the applicants Zhejiang Xinshiji Foods Co. Ltd and Hubei Xinshiji Foods Co. Ltd. On 22 March 2012, the Court of Justice of the EU declared the invalidity of the original Regulation in case C-338/10 GLS v Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Stadt (“the GLS judgment”) on the basis of the original Regulation’s inappropriate determination of the normal value. Following the invalidity declaration of the original Regulation, the European Commission reopened the investigation in order to implement the GLS judgment concerning the original Regulation. Therefore, the Regulation of re-imposing shall expire five years after the entry into force of the original Regulation, i.e. on 31 December 2013. The amount of the definitive anti-dumping duty in the Regulation of re-imposing does not change compared to the original Regulation. Requests for review shall be admissible as of 23 February 2013. 欧盟理事会:欧盟理事会执行条例2013年第158号(2013年2月18日)决定对原产于中国的进口柑橘类水果罐头重新征收反倾销税 2013年 2月22日,欧盟理事会发布执行条例2013年第158号决定对原产于中国的进口柑橘类水果罐头重新征收反倾销税 (案号Case524a 和Case524b)。欧盟委员会于2007年10月20日启动该案的反倾销调查程序,欧盟理事会于2008年12月30日做出征收反倾销税的终裁决定。随后在浙江新世纪食品有限公司和湖北新世纪食品有限公司对欧盟理事会的终裁决议进行上诉的案件中(案号 Case T-122/09),欧盟普通法院于2011年2月17日判决浙江新世纪食品有限公司和湖北新世纪食品有限公司胜诉,撤销欧盟理事会对这两家公司征收反倾销税的终裁决定。2012年3月22日,基于原终裁条例在正常价值决定上违反了欧盟反倾销条例的规定,欧盟最高法院在GLS与Hauptzollamt Hamburg-Stadt案(案号Case C-338/10)(“GLS判决”)中宣布原终裁条例无效。为了执行GLS判决的决定,欧盟委员会针对原终裁决议重新启动了反倾销调查程序。因此,重新征收反倾销税的终裁条例执行到原终裁条例生效日起五年为止,也即将于2013年12月31日终止效力。重新征收反倾销税的终裁条例决定的反倾销税额并没有改变原终裁条例规定的数额。对重新征收反倾销税的终裁条例决定不服的,可以在2013年2月23日以后申请复审。 »