
The European Commission: Commission Regulation (EU) No 182/2013 making imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules and key components (i.e. cells and wafers) originating in or consigned from the People’s Republic of China subject to registration

The cells and wafers have a thickness not exceeding 400 μm. The European Commission announced the initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding (Case AD590) and an anti-subsidy proceeding (Case AS594) concerning imports of solar panels from China respectively on 6 September 2012 and on 8 November 2012 following a complaint lodged by the EU ProSun. The United States of America has been provisionally chosen by the European Commission as a market economy third country for the purpose of determination of normal value in the anti-dumping proceeding. The registration request was made by the EU ProSun so that measures may subsequently be applied against those imports from the date of such registration. As of 5 March 2013, the Customs authorities of the EU are directed to take the appropriate steps to register the imports concerned. The registration shall expire nine months as of 5 March 2013. All interested parties are invited to make their views known in writing, to provide supporting evidence or to request to be heard within 20 days as of 5 March 2013. The latest date for entry into force of provisional anti-dumping measures is 6 June 2013 and for entry into force of provisional anti-subsidy measures is 8 August 2013. 欧盟委员会: 欧盟委员会条例2013年第182号 对原产于或者来自中国的进口晶体硅光伏组件及关键零部件(太阳能电池和硅片)采取登记措施 2013年3月5日,欧盟委员会发布2013年第182号条例,决定对原产于或者来自中国的进口太阳能光伏产品采取登记措施。其中,太阳能电池和硅片的厚度不超过400 μm。应欧洲光伏产业联盟 EU ProSun的申请,欧盟委员会于2012年9月6日和2012年11月8日对原产于中国的进口太阳能光伏产品分别启动了反倾销调查程序(案号AD590)和反补贴调查程序(案号AS594)。在反倾销立案调查中,欧盟委员会初步决定选择美国作为计算中国涉案产品正常价值的替代国。根据欧洲光伏产业联盟的申请,随后采取的反倾销和反补贴措施将适用于经进口登记的中国光伏产品。从2013年3月5日开始,欧盟海关机构应采取适当的措施对中国的进口光伏产品进行登记。该登记措施自生效之日起九个月内有效。自2013年3月5日起20日内,各利害关系方可以向欧盟委员会书面提交相关证据或者申请听证。临时反倾销措施最快于2013年6月6日生效,临时反补贴措施则最快于2013年8月8日生效。 »