On 21 December 2011, the European Commission decided to initiate an anti-dumping proceeding against the concerned imports following the complaint lodged by Eurofer on behalf of producers representing more than 70% of the total EU production of certain organic coated steel products (OCS). Later on 22 February 2012, the European Commission further initiated an anti-subsidy proceeding concerning OCS upon the complaint lodged by Eurofer. In the notice of initiation of the anti-dumping proceeding, the European Commission indicated its intention to use either Canada or South Africa as an appropriate analogue country for the purpose of establishing normal value. After examination of questionnaires received, the European Commission decided to select Canada as the analogue country in its decision of provisional anti-dumping duty ‘Commission Regulation (EU) No 845/2012’ issued on 19 September 2012. The provisional anti-dumping duty rates range from 13.2% to 57.8%. The Council of the EU confirmed the selection of Canada as the analogue country. However, the definitive anti-dumping duty rates, ranging from 5.9% to 26.1%, are much lower than the provisional anti-dumping duty rates. Moreover, eight Chinese exporting producers are granted a zero definitive anti-dumping duty rate. As to the rates of the definitive countervailing duty, it ranges from 13.7% to 44.7%. New exporter review and interim review may be initiated upon a request with sufficient evidence for both the definitive anti-dumping measure and the definitive countervailing measure. 欧盟理事会: 对原产自中国的有机涂层钢板征收反倾销和反补贴税终裁 2013年3月15日,欧盟理事会发布理事会执行条例2013年第214号和第215号,终裁决定对原产自中国的有机涂层钢板征收反倾销税和反补贴税。 根据欧洲钢铁工业联盟(Eurofer)所代表的有机涂层钢板产量占欧洲总产量70%以上的厂商的申请,欧盟委员会于2011年12月21日,决定启动对进口自中国的有机涂层钢板的反倾销调查程序。随后同样基于欧洲钢铁工业联盟的申请,2012年2月22日欧盟委员会进一步决定启动对进口自中国的有机涂层钢板的反补贴调查程序。在启动反倾销调查的公告中,欧盟委员会提出有意选择加拿大或者南非作为合适的决定正常价值的替代国。在调查的过程中,根据收到的问卷调查回复情况,欧盟委员会在2012年9月19日发布的欧盟委员会2012年第845号条例中决定选取加拿大作为正常价值的替代国。临时反倾销税税率范围为13.2%到57.8%之间。欧盟理事会认同欧盟委员选择加拿大作为正常价值替代国的决定,但是终裁决定的反倾销税税率远低于初裁决定的反倾销税税率,为5.9% 到26.1%之间。并且,有八家中国出口生产商获得零反倾销税税率。而终裁的反补贴税税率范围则为13.7%到44.7%之间。对于该反补贴和反倾销的终裁决定,在提供充分的证据的情况下,新出口商复审和期中复审程序可以经申请而启动。 »