On 26 February 2013, the WTO issued the dispute panel report on China’s anti-dumping duties on EU X-ray scanners (WT/DS425/R). The panel found that China’s anti-dumping duties on X-ray security scanners from the EU were in breach of WTO anti-dumping rules. On 23 January 2011, MOFCOM published Announcement No. 1 of 2011 on Decision of imposing anti-dumping duties on imports of X-ray security inspection Equipment originating in the EU, ranging from 33.5% to 71.8%. China’s anti-dumping measures were imposed after the Council of the EU Implementing Regulation No 510/2010 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty and collecting definitively the provisional duty imposed on imports of certain cargo scanning systems originating in the People’s Republic of China. Therefore the EU considers that China’s anti-dumping measures on X-ray security scanners from the EU look like retaliation rather than an effort to address genuine concerns about “injurious dumping”. In July 2011, the EU requested WTO consultations on the matter without success. On 8 December 2011, the EU requested the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO to establish a Panel to examine this matter. The Panel Report can be appealed against to the WTO Appellate Body within 60 days. If no appeal is filed within that deadline, the Panel Report will be adopted and China will be bound to comply with the recommendation to bring its measure into line with WTO rules. MOFCOM official commented on the Panel Report that “China will conduct a serious evaluation and reserve the right to appeal.” 世界贸易组织:世界贸易组织关于中国对欧盟X射线安检设备征收反倾销税一案的争端解决专家组报告 2013年2月26日,世界贸易组织发布了关于中国对欧盟X射线安检设备征收反倾销税一案的专家组报告(WT/DS425/R)。专家组认为中国对欧盟X射线安检设备采取的反倾销措施违反了世界贸易组织关于反倾销的规定。2011年1月23日,中华人民共和国商务部发布2011年第1号公告,决定对欧盟X射线安检设备征收反倾销税,税率范围为33.5%到71.8%。中国的该项反倾销措施是在欧盟理事会决定对原产自中国的进口货物扫描仪征收反倾销税的终裁条例(欧盟理事会执行条例2010年第510号)出台后采取的,被欧盟认为纯属贸易报复而非单纯地为了解决“损害性倾销”。2011年7月,欧盟将此事诉诸世界贸易组织进行磋商未果。于2011年12月8日向世界贸易组织争端解决机构申请成立专家组对该案进行审查。争议一方可以在专家组报告发布60天内向WTO上诉机构进行上诉。如果在60天内没有收到上诉申请,世界贸易组织争端解决机构就会通过专家小组报告,中国必须执行该报告,遵守世界贸易组织规则的规定。中国商务部条约法律司负责人表示中方将认真评估专家组报告的裁决并保留上诉的权利。 «