

The energy sector (electricity and gas) has been in a state of constant (r)evolution since its deregulation in the early 2000’s. Apart from substantial market restructuring, new decentralised production methods (wind turbines, PV panels, biomass, etc.) and new forms of consumption (growing energy needs in the IT industry, e-vehicles, etc.) are now confronting the sector with new challenges, including those related to transmission (interconnections,…), and distribution (smart metering, local extra-grid consumption, etc.).

Our Energy Department offers its services to a variety of market players: energy suppliers (electricity, gas, oil), producers, distributors, various intermediaries (traders, etc.), (European) professional associations and groupings, energy consumers and regulators, in both Belgium and Luxembourg.

In this context, sector players will choose PHILIPPE & PARTNERS in order to:

  • obtain the licences matching the activities exercised
  • collaborate with other stakeholders under the best possible conditions
  • propose watertight contractual terms
  • manage relations with the supervisory authorities
  • proactively deal with disputes, while keeping costs under control
  • offer outsourcing /secondment solutions

To provide energy market players with services tailored to their company, our lawyers have specialist expertise in both energy law matters and in many other fields of law.

Our lawyers specialized in this industry