
The European Commission: Initiation of an expiry review of anti-dumping measures against ferro-silicon from China and Russia

The initial investigation started on 30 November 2006 and the initial definitive measures were taken on 28 February 2008, ranging from 15.6% to 31.2% for Chinese exporting producers. The request for the expiry review was lodged on 28 November 2012 by Euroalliages on behalf of producers representing more than 25% of the Union production of ferro-silicon. The expiry review will determine whether the expiry of the measures would be likely to lead to a continuation or recurrence of injury to the EU industry. Exporting producers of the product under review from China and Russia, including those that did not cooperate in the investigation leading to the initial definitive measures, are invited to participate in the investigation. To be a sampling party in this case, the exporting producer has to submit information to the European Commission with 15 days of 28 February 2013. 欧盟委员会: 关于对原产于中国和俄罗斯的进口硅铁启动反倾销期终复审的通知 2013年2月28日,欧盟委员会决定对原产于中国和俄罗斯的进口硅铁启动反倾销期终复审。原反倾销调查程序于2006年11月30日启动,并于2008年2月28日由欧盟理事会发布了原反倾销调查的终裁裁决,其中对原产自中国的进口硅铁的反倾销税率范围为15.6% 到31.2%。2012年11月28日,欧洲铁合金制造商协会Euroalliages所代表的硅铁产量占欧洲总产量的25%的厂商向欧盟委员会提起反倾销期终复审调查的申请。此次期终复审主要对如果终止原反倾销措施,导致倾销和损害继续或者再度发生的可能性进行调查。中国和俄罗斯的硅铁出口生产商,包括在原反倾销调查中未与欧盟委员会合作调查的出口生产商均可以参加此次期终复审调查。想要成为抽样企业的出口生产商必须在启动期终复审调查的通知发布后15日内向欧盟委员会提交抽样企业申请表格。 “